
Summary of Training Courses – London Area Only

All Courses are up to 16 Delegates- All Materials and Certificates included

Fire Warden Training

To provide employees who are designated Fire Marshals with an appreciation of importance of fire safety

Appointed Staff
3.5 hours


Food Hygiene Awareness Level 2

Ensures that anyone working in an environment where food is cooked, prepared or handled complies fully with current UK legislation.

All Food Handlers
4 hours


Food Hygiene Awareness Level 3

Ensures that anyone supervising an environment where food is cooked, prepared or handled complies fully with current UK legislation.

2 Days

£195 per delegate

First Aid

Emergency at work one day course. This course is designed for workplaces that fall into a low risk category like bars and restaurants.

Up to 12 Delegates Max 7 hours


WAVE Training: Protecting your Premises Licence

Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement Awareness. Included is crime scene preservation and sexual assaults action.

Supervisors and Managers
1.5 hours


Management Training

Range of topics covered E.g. Managing Stress and Conflict, Scores on the doors, Drugs Awareness, Dealing with Inspections.

Staff Induction Training
Available - Varies 1-4 hours


Personal License Course (APLH)

To apply for a personal licence to sell alcohol, you must hold an alcohol licensing qualification.

6.5 hours

From £75 Per Person

Managing Health and Safety

Protecting you and your business. How an effective H&S system is set up and run.

Supervisors and Managers
1.5 hours


Allergen Awareness

Guidance on allergens for food businesses. Includes advice on providing information on 14 allergens and handling allergens in the kitchen.

All Food Handlers
1 hour


Detail of the Courses




Fire Warden

3.5 hours

Designed for: Staff designated as Fire Marshals

Aim: To provide employees who are designated Fire Marshals with an appreciation of fire safety

Objectives: On successful completion of the course participants will be able to:

  • Understand fire legislation and their role and responsibilities as Fire Marshals
  • Appreciate the importance of fire prevention
  • Understand the combustion process and spread of fire
  • Understand the effects of smoke and fumes
  • Carry out fire evacuations and drills
  • Distinguish between the different types of fire extinguisher and know how to use an extinguisher
  • Select and use appropriate fire extinguishers
  • Manage emergency planning arrangements and emergency responses

Any staff can attend this

Certificate Issued and Fire Warden List for staff noticeboard

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Level 2 Food Hygiene Course

4 hours

Designed for: Staff whose work involves the handling of food and or food contact surfaces

Aim: To provide participants with the basic knowledge of food hygiene practices and food safety legislation

Objectives: On successful completion of the course participants will be able to:

  • Understand the requirements of the food safety legislation and the individual responsibilities under it
  • Understand the causes of ill health as a result of poor food hygiene practices
  • Understand the principles of good food hygiene, safe storage and handling
  • The correct temperatures needed for storage and food handling
  • Safely prepare and handle food
  • Food hygiene safety from delivery through to sale
  • Aware of common food pests and how to control them
  • The principles of cleaning and disinfection
  • Compliance with all of the relevant health and safety standards
  • How they apply to the workplace

This is a course for Food Handlers

Most catering staff are considered food handlers

Work books available in Spanish, Italian and Chinese

Certificate Issued

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Level 3 Food Hygiene Course

2 x Days

Designed for: Managers and Supervisors

Aim: A level 3 food hygiene course provides high levels of information covering good food hygiene practices and the legal responsibilities of those who manage others in the handling of food, to ensure that food remains safe to eat.

Objectives: On successful completion of the course participants will be able to understand the following

  • Important Concepts – Clean vs Dirty Processes and Clean as You Go
  • Why is training Important
  • Taking responsibility – Importance of Food Safety
  • Legislation and The Enforcement of Food Safety Legislation and Due Diligence
  • The Food Hygiene Rating System
  • Useful definitions
  • Risk/Vulnerable Groups
  • Food Hazards and Contamination
  • Microbiological hazards- Preventing Spread, Growth and Contamination
  • Chemical Contamination
  • Physical Contamination
  • Allergens
  • Food Spoilage
  • Time and temperature control
  • Control of Food
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Keeping work areas clean and hygienic – incl Stages of Cleaning
  • Waste disposal
  • Pests
  • Purchasing, delivery, storage and stock control
  • Traceability
  • Food Recalls
  • Dealing with outbreak of food-borne illness
  • Food Management System
  • Training Requirements

This is a course for Managers and Supervisors

Most catering staff are considered food handlers

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WAVE Training

Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) Presentation and videos

90 minutes for both courses or 60 minutes each

Designed for: Staff involved in the sale alcohol and responsible

Aim: To give staff confidence in knowing what to do when serving alcohol.

A resource produced by the Metropolitan police central licensing team to provide those working in the licensed industry with an awareness of vulnerability and their responsibilities towards people visiting their premises

I have also kindly been given the sexual assaults course by the police to deliver

This training has become very important that all managers and supervisors and some staff undertake it

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First Aid Course

First Aid at Work course, in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

7 hours

Designed for: Staff who are designated as first aiders.

Aim: To provide participants with first aid knowledge. Once qualified, holders of this First Aid at Work certificate can be used as First Aiders in the workplace in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Objectives: On successful completion of the course participants will be able to deliver first aid:

  • Course introduction
  • Legal compliance.
  • Managing incidents.
  • Treating different injuries.
  • Common workplace injuries.
  • Prioritisation.

Students are independently examined and continually assessed

1-day course is for a group of up to 12 candidates and includes certification and a manual

  1. Define the term First Aid
  2. Understanding the role and responsibilities of a first aider
  3. Outline the legislation relating to First Aid
  4. Explain how to minimise infection
  5. Identify First Aid Equipment requirements
  6. Recognise the importance of establishing consent
  7. Recognise how to contact the Emergency Services and key information needed and when to call for help
  8. Identify common causes of accident and associated injuries and illnesses
  9. Be able to assess an incident
  10. Perform a primary survey
  11. Establish levels of consciousness
  12. Maintain a patient airway
  13. Place a casualty into a recovery position
  14. Recognise and manage a casualty in seizure
  15. Recognise when cardiopulmonary resuscitation is needed and use of the AED
  16. Deliver effective chest compressions
  17. Deliver effective rescue breaths
  18. Demonstrate how to effectively place AED pads and follow instruction
  19. Identify to signs and symptoms of choking
  20. Recognise the signs of shock and administer the correct procedures
  21. Manage a casualty in shock
  22. Recognise types of bleeds and administer appropriate treatment
  23. Identify common minor injuries
  24. Identify burns and scalds
  25. Assessment

Any staff can attend this

Certificate Issued and First Aid List for staff noticeboard

Sufficient numbers to cover Shifts pattern, Breaks, Holidays and illness

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Management Training Courses

Tailored to suit 45 min to 3 hours

Designed for: These courses are designed for staff in management and supervisory positions

Aim: To give staff confidence in handling and avoiding certain situations that may arise during the course of their employment.

Management Training Courses include:

  • Managing Health and Safety
  • How to handle inspections (example below)
  • Scores on the door – How it works
  • Conflict Management
  • Personnel procedures
  • Incident report writing
  • Stress
  • Managing witnesses and taking statements
  • Carry our and understanding Risk Assessments
  • Work Station Assessment and safe use
  • Managing COSHH


Handling Inspections and knowing what to expect

We make sure staff know who is responsible for what areas of enforcement and what they are looking for in the event of an inspection or audit.

Designed for : Staff dealing with inspections

Aim: To provide participants with the knowledge and confidence for dealing with inspections

Objectives: For staff to understand what is expected of them during an inspection

What is expected of them during the inspection

  • How to behave during the visit
  • Where the paperwork is
  • What is in that paperwork
  • That it is up to date and complete
  • That it is sufficient and compliant
  • What it all means
  • What system and training regimes are in place



Fire Authorities

Enforcement of fire safety provisions in designated places of work under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

Police Licensing Unit

Enforcement of The Licensing Act 2003

Council Licensing Unit

Enforcement of The Licensing Act 2003

Environmental Health Practitioner (EHP) formally referred to as Environment health officers (EHO)

Enforcement of 852/2004 on the Food Hygiene of Foodstuffs. They are also concerned with Health and Safety and environmental health

Health and Safety Executive

Enforcement of Health and Safety at Work Legislation

Trading Standards

The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008

HM Revenue Customs

Finance Act (FA) 1994 (Customs and Excise)

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Personal License Course


6.5 hours

Designed for: Staff wanting to apply for personal license

Aim: To give staff confidence in managing licensed premises.

The Level 2 Award for Personal License Holders, also known as the APLH License, is the basic requirement for authorizing the selling alcohol within a retail environment.

This ensures that hospitality workers, bar staff and event managers have attained the necessary skills and qualifications to operate legally, whilst also maintaining a safe environment for their customers, employees and co-workers.

Put simply, the candidate must pass the APLH course before applying for their Personal License as this is the qualification needed to apply for a personal license

Not everyone needs a personal license but there should be a few staff with it as part of your due diligence

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Level 1

Essential Food

Safety and Health and Safety

1 hour

Designed for: All new staff

Aim: To help employees to adjust to their new role, make a smoother transition into the business and assimilate into the company culture. This ultimately helps retention of employees and saves on recruitment costs and helps employees to feel supported.

Ultimately the course is Essential Food

Safety and Health and Safety -Level 1

Night Worker Assessment where necessary are offered

This all be signed off.

Induction book for each team member.

There is also a work book

for each person to complete as evidence of learning for their file.

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Managing Health and Safety

2 hours

Designed for: Staff involved in the management of Health and Safety

Aim: To ensure that health and safety is appreciated and understood by those at the most senior managerial level with strategic management responsibilities.

Objectives: On successful completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of strategic health and safety management and its integration into the business management systems
  • Know and understand their personal responsibilities under health and safety legislation.
  • Demonstrate understanding of their responsibilities in relation to Statute and Common Law

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Allergen Awareness:

Staff need to understand their responsibilities and how to carry out their job role safely.

1 hour

Designed for: Staff involved in the sale and preparation of food

Aim: To give staff confidence in knowing what to do when confronted with someone who has an allergy by raising awareness of the risks from food allergies and the measures that should be put in place to reduce the risks.

Anyone working in the food industry, from food preparation, through manufacturing, distribution and retail, needs to take special care to ensure that the food products are safe to eat, especially for consumers with food allergies or intolerances.

All staff involved with the preparation of food can attend this

Certificate Issued

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